When the Israelites returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity, they started to identify the people and groups who were going to do specific jobs in the LORD’s Temple once it is built. It may seem strange that they are identifying workers for a role that cannot be lived out yet, but these roles are necessary to live out God’s Plan for their day. Back in the days of Moses, the people were afraid to approach God. So, God gave them prophets (starting with Moses) who would speak the Word of God to the people.
These are the priests who returned from exile: (Ezra 2:36a NLT)
In addition to the prophets, God gave them priests who would intervene on behalf of the people. These priests performed all of the animal sacrifices, reminding everyone that rebellion against God is a serious thing. The wages of sin is death. The animal’s death and sacrifice would be a reminder of that truth. Priests were set apart for that role.
These are the Levites who returned from exile: (Ezra 2:40a NLT)
In addition to the priests, God gave them people to maintain the tent and (then later) the Temple building. These people would pack up the Tabernacle (tent) and move it whenever God’s people would move. When they settled into the land that the LORD gave to them, they maintained the Temple building that was built. This Tabernacle/Temple was the place where people could draw near to God. It was also the place where the animal sacrifices took place. It was important to maintain this place well.
These people were not allowed to be just anyone. The roles were created by God. The people were selected by God. People in the tribe of Levi would maintain the Tabernacle and Temple. Only certain Levites, descendants of Aaron, could serve as priests. They needed not only the right genealogy, but the right lifestyle as well. Priests, especially, were held to a higher standard of Holiness. This would give all of the Israelites a picture of what it looked like to walk together with God.
How about you? Have you ever taken the time to see God’s Plan through the Israelites of the Old Testament? Do you see how the roles of prophet, priest, and Levite are all important? Do you see how they fit into God’s Plan?
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