
Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Disciple Jesus Loved

When Jesus saw His mother standing there beside the disciple He loved, He said to her, "Dear woman, here is your son." And He said to this disciple, "Here is your mother." And from then on this disciple took her into his home. (John 19:26-27 NLT)

"Mom always did love you more than she loved me."  That was a running joke among me and my siblings.  Sometimes it came off as a joke.  Sometimes you could detect a twinge of jealousy in our voices.  We were battling a very real "bad box" in our minds.  At times we won the battle better than others.

Perhaps that's why "the disciple Jesus loved" always sounded a little arrogant or self-absorbed to me.  What kind of disciple would actually claim that Jesus loved him more than all the others.  Yet that was what he seemed to be saying...wasn't it?  Or was it?

Jesus is hanging on the cross.  He's about to die.  He's leaving this life.  He sees his mom.  Jesus is the oldest sibling in his family.  He feels a sense of responsibility for mom since dad is gone.  He needs to know that she will be cared for.  Even if he thinks of his resurrection, he knows that his time on earth will still be limited before going home to the Father in heaven.  Mom needs someone to look after her - to take care of her.  Jesus turns to John.  He's been teaching John.  He's been walking with John.  He can trust John.  He entrusts his John.

I've met many leaders and teachers in the church who will claim to have a close personal relationship with Jesus.  I've met many who are ready to take on the world with Paul-like fervor.  I've met people who are ready to admit their weaknesses and yet are ready to take on the responsibility of leadership like Peter did.  I've never met someone desiring a ministry like John.  "from then on this disciple took her into his home."

Sometimes I think we forget what it means to be a follower of Christ.  Sometimes we get it all twisted around and think it's about the job we want, the relationships we want, the life we want...but it's not.  Following Jesus means we walk with Him, we listen to Him, and we do what He asks us to do.  John understood this.  He was honored by the request.  He took care of Mary.  He knew that this ministry wasn't something that would build his ego or his bank account.  He knew it would be something everyone would envy and wish Jesus had asked them to do.  He also knew that it was important to Jesus - important enough that He needed someone He could count on, someone He could trust, someone He loved.

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